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Father Mieczysław Mielecki
2 October 2021
Born on October 12th, 1911. Place of birth unknown. Member of the Camillians. Captain in the Home Army.
In conspiracy he administered as a chaplain the 3rd region of District I of Środmiescie in Warsaw. He used the codenames Mietek or Mieczysław. During the Warsaw Uprising he ministered in Śródmieście in the 3rd Armoured Battalion “Golski” and in Ochota in the “Odwet II” Battalion. After the fall of the Warsaw Uprising he was sent to Stalag X-B – German prisoner-of-war camp, where he died in 1945. Details of his death remain unknown.
Łukasz Skrzyński
Translate: Zuzanna Zapadka
- “Gdy zaczniemy walczyć miłością…”. Portrety kapelanów Powstania Warszawskiego, red. Grzegorz Górny, Aleksander Kopiński, Warszawa 2004, p. 309
- Piotr Rozwadowski, Wielka ilustrowana encyklopedia Powstania Warszawskiego, tom 6, Warszawa 2002, p. 182.